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Swimming pool scenes are surprisingly common in movies. Or maybe it’s not that surprising, given that Hollywood is, after all, in California, where chlorinated water looks impossibly blue and shimmery in the sunshine.

But as well as giving filmmakers something pretty to film, swimming pools tend to be a good excuse to get deep. The way characters behave in and around swimming pools can tell us a lot about them, and how they interact with the world in general. After all, in Jungian psychology, water is a potent symbol for the unconscious, so having a character plunge into a pool is kind of like dropping them into an external representation of their own minds.
Pool parties are a staple fixture of teen movies, but you wouldn’t want to go to this one. Right at the beginning of the movie, Mandy (Amber Heard) is persuaded to attend a party with the cool kids, most of whom have only just started to pay attention to her since she became conventionally hot. Trying to get her attention is a dangerous game, though, and one poor sod pays the ultimate price for his bravado when he attempts to jump off the roof into the pool… and misses.
It’s a massive gut-punch of a moment, and one that perfectly sets the scene for the rest of the movie. All The Boys Love Mandy Lane has its flaws, but that scene’ll stick with you

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