श्रीमान लाइ अपिसको काम गर्दा श्रीमती लाइ दिने समय नहुदा यसरि आफ्नै देवर संग लगेर यस्तो चर्तिकला गरिन | भिडियो सहित

Gwen Stefani is denying her relationship with Blake Shelton because she does not want to give her kids the “wrong idea," a source told Hollywood Life. The news comes just a day after Stefani denied dating Miranda Lambert’s ex-husband.
“It may seem like Gwen is back tracking by saying she never said she was in a relationship, but it’s just semantics. She has explained to her kids that she’s dating Blake. The word relationship sounds way too serious and she doesn’t want to freak out her boys. It would be a big deal for mommy to be in a new relationship,” the source told Hollywood Life.

Stefani has three children -- 9-year-old Kingston, 6-year-old Zuma and 1-year-old Apollo -- with her ex-husband, Gavin Rossdale.

“The term ‘dating’ has a more loose, fun definition. It’s not so serious. She doesn’t want her kids to get the wrong idea. She’s just trying to protect them like any parent would,” the source reportedly added. “Plus she doesn’t want her kids to think that Blake is somehow replacing daddy. To them, Blake is a good friend that she is dating, which means spending time with him and doing fun things together.”



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