छिमेकीको कुकुर खांदै गरेको विशाल एनाकन्डालाई एक फ्रेन्चले सजिलै समाते :: भिडीयो हेर्नुहोस् >

A French Guiana man who set out to capture the creature responsible for killing his neighbor’s dog was very amazed when he finally found the snake and realized what it was an anaconda, a 17-foot anaconda. The math teacher Sebastien Bascoules of France captured the giant snake from a river close to his friend’s home. The reptile had previously eaten a pet dog as it lurked around the neighborhood.

 He says he was not scared because he was thinking that it was smaller, but he was very surprised when he knew it it was an anaconda.
“It was really difficult to capture these kind of snakes because they are very strong,” the man further added.An "anaconda" is a large, non-venomous snake found in tropical zone of South America. Although the name applies to a group of snakes, it is often used to refer only to one species in particular actually, the common or green anaconda, Eunectes murinus, which is one of the largest snakes in the Earth. Although the name refers to a snake found only in South America, the name commonly used in Brazil is sucuri, sucuriju or sucuriuba. The South American names anacauchoa and anacaona were suggested in an account by Peter Martyr d’Anghiera but the idea of a South American origin was questioned by Henry Walter Bates who, in his travels in South America, who was unsuccessful to find any similar name in use.


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