अर्चना पनेरुकी आमा सुनिताले समेत अर्धनग्न फोटो सार्वजनिक गर्न थालिन्। भिडियो हेर्नुहोस् ! पोर्न स्टार बन्ने भन्दै आफ्नो अर्धनग्न फोटो तथा भिडियोहरु पछिल्लो समय सामाजिक संजालमा शेर गर्दै आएकी छिन्

She was in the most critical condition out of about 35 patients that we had,” Basi recalled. "With bamboo stretchers that we put together  took her and the other four off of the mountain down to the Nepali army base and she was airlifted by an Indian helicopter to the hospital in Kathmandu."The clinic is operated in part by the non-governmental organization Handicap International.

 Through its efforts, hundreds of victims of the April quake are receiving prosthetic limbs that are created in workshops located in Nepal. Handicap International operates on the theory that advanced medical treatment can best be provided by the Nepali people themselves. The group trains and assists the local population to help themselves, thus keeping costs down and providing better care.
It was a perilous journey taking over 6 hours, Basi recalled.Throughout her recovery, Basi has made a commitment to be there for Khendro. By using the Internet, he has crowd-sourced nearly $6,000 to assist her recovery and insure that she will be able to walk again. He visits her family frequently as she attends physical therapy appointments at a local Kathmandu clinic.


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