बाटामा गुडिरहेको गाडीहरुमा एक्कासी यसरी प्लेन आएर ठोकिदा यस्तो भयानक दुर्घटना भएको यसरी क्यामराले कैद गरि खिचिएको भिडियो मुटु दरो परेर हेर्नुहोला !!>>>{VIDEO}

The disaster was the worst tragedy to strike Poland since World War II and carried a huge emotional charge for having occurred in Russia, a historic foe. Kaczynski and other top state officials were traveling to honor Poles murdered by the Soviet secret police during the war.Kaczynski and his allies have suggested possible foul play by Russia and accused European Council President Donald Tusk who was the Polish prime minister at the time of the crash of negligence connected to the disaster.

A government spokeswoman, Elzbieta Witek, said Wednesday that she feels Tusk should face a top court, the State Tribunal, over his actions, but then insisted it was only her private view.
Earlier in the week, the government shut down two websites, set up by state authorities when Tusk was still prime minister, which carried information about the official state findings into the crash."The website has been closed and will simply remain closed," Prime Minister Beata Szydlo said on Tuesday after a reporter asked about one of the sites that went offline.


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